Tag Archives: tamron 90mm 52bb

Daisy, the jumping spider (5 images)

Allow me to introduce you to Daisy, a jumping spider that has taken up residence in our garden.

DSCF1819Do not get sucked into a staring contest with a jumping spider. You will lose.


With a total length of about one centimetre and distinctive red-orange markings, Daisy was easy to identify as a female Johnson jumping spider, one of the largest and most common jumping spiders in western North America.

DSCF1924Surveying her domain, or maybe looking for a Mr. Daisy?


On warm days she likes to hang out on a leaf or wall, sunning herself while keeping a lookout for her next meal. She doesn’t have a web, instead relying on superb vision (eight eyes providing an almost 360 degree view) to spot her prey. Then she pounces, immobilizing the hapless bug with venom.

Daisy is a shy little thing, and doesn’t like sudden movement. If I make too much of a ruckus, she’ll retreat into the depths of the nearest vegetation.



But most of the time, her curiosity gets the better of her and I’ll soon see her peeking over the edge of a leaf, watching me fiddle with my camera. I wonder if to her my camera and tripod combo looks like a gigantic three-legged one-eyed insect.



I’ve read that sometimes jumping spiders, attracted by their reflection, will leap right onto a camera lens. So far Daisy seems content to maintain a respectful distance, and that’s fine by me.

DSCF1919Gotta love that ‘do. The fringe really sets off her eyes.

Anna’s hummingbird

The red-hot pokers are in full bloom and are magnets for hummingbirds in our area.


I’ve been spending time sitting near a patch of pokers, becoming “part of the landscape” so to speak. It didn’t take long before the hummingbirds would fearlessly feed within a meter (3 feet) of me. That’s a good thing, because the longest lens I have for my camera is a 90mm.
