Tag Archives: fall


Last Thursday was rather dark and overcast with a mist that hung around all day. What little colourful fall foliage we have here on the island looked amazing in the subdued light.

Pender Island Port Browning dock

I ended up going to several different locations to take advantage of the great photographic conditions and was happy to come away with many keepers. I’m still sorting through them all and trying to process them in a way that reflects the mood of that day. More to come!

a secluded corner

Yesterday, rounding the corner of a deserted beach at low tide, I found this little gem of a spot.

Pender Island autumn beach

Despite the rather gloomy weather conditions, this tiny cove was bright with golden foliage and reflections in the green water.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Happy Place


Yesterday I went out for a hike through the woods looking for signs of autumn. I found this little cluster of mushrooms growing in the hollow of some tree roots. You know a change of seasons is underway when the mushrooms start popping up.


A dozen perfect specimens (yes, I can count, the twelfth is hiding behind the mushroom on the lower left), layered just so. It was almost as if they’d arranged themselves into this pose and were patiently waiting for a photographer to find them.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Change