sea flower

The pup and I were out for a walk on the beach yesterday afternoon, but with heavy overcast skies the light was blah and I hadn’t been inspired to take any photos. We were getting ready to leave, when I found this beautiful sea anemone.

It was like a glowing green flower, undulating gently in the shallow water of its tidal pool. Luckily I had my macro lens with me. I set up my tripod and took the shot, just as the first drops of rain started to fall. And then I packed up my gear, reminding myself that it’s often the little things in life that are so rewarding.

P.S. I always thought the sea anemone was an animal, but apparently new research has determined it is part animal and part plant.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Reward

18 thoughts on “sea flower

  1. Paige

    Wow, this is amazing. How big was it? – can’t tell from the photo, but you did say you used the macro. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one of these, guess I’ll have to take a trip over to the seacoast. Beautiful photo!

    1. bythebriny Post author

      Thank you. The anemones I’ve seen here range in size from about 1/2 inch to 4 inches in diameter. This one’s about 3 inches across, so not minuscule or anything. I had to pull back the macro lens quite a bit to get the whole thing in the photo.

  2. dunelight

    Lovely photo. I’ve only explored tidal pools a couple of times in my life. I could do it everyday. I love my Lake Michigan but I could trade it for salt and a little less snow and ice. πŸ™‚

  3. lillian

    Love the photo. I’m always in awe, and get a little dazed, when I watch the waving motion of these sea creatures in our Boston Aquarium. To find them in their natural habitat — what a joy! Thanks for posting….and for liking my post!


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